Michael B. Gousie - Wheaton College, MA

Comp 365 - Computer Graphics (Spring 2021)

Introductory Information and Textbook Resources

Linux Resources

Projects and Homeworks

  • G6 specifications
  • G5 specifications
    Here are some previous G5 samples. Note the project did not have the same specifications. Also note that this output may not be completely correct (e.g., the teapot in #2 is not lit properly).
    Old sample output 1 (PNG)
    Old sample output 2 (PNG)
  • HW3.pdf
    ncc1701.data.gz - Enterprise model vertex data for use in Homework 3.
  • G4 specifications
    Boids pseudocode
  • G3 specifications
  • HW2.pdf
  • G2 specifications
    g2input.txt - sample input file.
  • G1 specifications

Handouts/In-Class Examples

  • Makefile - sample Makefile; add any source code file names to this.
  • helloclass.cpp - first practice program that draws a couple of simple polygons.
  • helloOOP.cpp - even smaller program, similar to helloclass.cpp, but using OOP.
  • circle.cpp - program showing how to draw circles with OpenGL.
  • colorFun.cpp - messin' with RGB.
  • text.cpp - program that shows some text output options. You'll also need tkmap.c. Note that tkmap.c is a C program, but the C++ compiler will work fine. You must modify text.cpp so that tkmap.c will be found.
  • font.c - more text manipulation. This also needs tkmap.c.
  • menu.cpp - teeny program showing the use of an OpenGL pop-up menu.
  • mouse.cpp - how to draw points and polylines with the mouse, v1.
  • mouse2.cpp - how to draw points and polylines with the mouse, v2. The difference is that all of the points/vertices are stored, allowing the window to be redrawn whenever necessary.
  • displayList.cpp - how to draw some polygons using a display list. A display list will be important for some projects.
  • windows.cpp - windows/viewports and "viewing box."
  • perspect1.cpp - an example in the use of perspective, among other things. See the comments within the program that explain the use of glFrustum() and gluLookAt().
  • myanimate.cpp - animation example; also shows use of the Modelview Matrix Stack.
  • moveTeapot.cpp - starting code for animating the teapot.
  • quaternion.cpp - rotating about an arbitrary radial axis.
  • 3D Visualization Help
  • mySquare.cpp - enhanced version of square.cpp for use in exploring orientation.
  • perspect2.cpp - perspective, depth buffer, and more.
  • lighting.cpp - basic Phong lighting model, using the keypad for movement.
  • lightMouse.cpp - same as above but with the teapot and using the mouse for movement.
  • Brownian motion 1 - animation of Brownian motion from our friends at BU.
  • Brownian motion 2 - live demonstration of Brownian motion.
  • shadingInit.cpp - setting up lighting model.
  • mytexture.cpp - demo program showing the use of OpenGL texture functions.
    • CelebDM.ppm - original texture image for above.
    • CelebDMud.ppm - same image but flipped in y to match texture space.
    • glm.h - header file needed for texture program.
    • glm.c - implementation code for above header file.
    • stb_image.h - an alternative library for reading image files for texturing.
  • Other ppm files:
  • multTexture.cpp - same as mytextures.cpp but now with multiple textures.
  • Persistence of Vision Raytracer (POV-Ray)

Computer Graphics Images

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